1. Создаем точки монтирования:
# mkdir /u09/acfs
# cd /u09
# chown oradb:oinstall acfs
# chmod g+w acfs
2. Создаем тома на дисковой группе:
alter diskgroup acfsdg add volume acfs_v1 size 100g;
select volume_name, volume_device from v$asm_volume;
ASMCMD [+] > volcreate -G acfsdg -s 100G acfs_v1
ASMCMD [+] > volinfo -a
3. Информация о томах:
ASMCMD> volinfo -a
Diskgroup Name: ACFSDG
Volume Name: ACFS_V1
Volume Device: /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27
Size (MB): 3813376
Resize Unit (MB): 32
Redundancy: UNPROT
Stripe Columns: 4
Stripe Width (K): 128
Usage: ACFS
ASMCMD> exit
4. How to automatically mount the filesystem, after reboots
$ /usr/lib/fs/acfs/acfsutil registry -a /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 /u09/acfs
acfsutil registry: ACFS-05062: cannot query CRS resource
This command will add this filesystem in the Grid registry & will mount it after reboot or grid restart.
To unregister a file system from the Oracle Automatic Storage Management volume registry
/usr/lib/fs/acfs/acfsutil registry -d /u09/acfs
acfsutil registry: ACFS-03143: The specified mount point does not exist and therefore cannot be deleted.
5. Создаем файловые системы на томах:
# mkfs -F acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 (Solaris)
# mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 (Linux)
# mkfs -V acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 (AIX)
# ls -lLh /dev/asm
total 0
brwxrwx--- 1 root asmadmin 308, 13825 Dec 6 14:15 acfs_v1-27
crwxrwx--- 1 root asmadmin 308, 13825 Dec 6 15:26 racfs_v1-27
# ls -l /dev/asm
total 2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oragrid oinstall 41 Dec 6 14:15 acfs_v1-27 -> /devices/pseudo/oracleadvm@0:acfs_v1-0-27
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oragrid oinstall 45 Dec 6 14:15 racfs_v1-27 -> /devices/pseudo/oracleadvm@0:acfs_v1-0-27,raw
$ mkfs -F acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27
mkfs: version =
mkfs: on-disk version = 39.0
mkfs: volume = /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27
mkfs: ACFS-01010: Volume already contains an ACFS file system. To reformat the volume, reissue mkfs with the -o f option.
mkfs: ACFS-01004: /dev/asm/racfs_v1-27 was not formatted.
$ mkfs -o f -F acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27
mkfs: version =
mkfs: on-disk version = 39.0
mkfs: volume = /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27
mkfs: volume size = 3998614552576
mkfs: Format complete.
6. Монтируем созданные файловые системы
# mount -F acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 /u09/acfs (Solaris)
# mount -t acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 /u09/acfs (linux)
# mount -V acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 /u09/acfs (AIX)
# mount -F acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 /u09/acfs
# su - oradb
Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.10 Generic Patch January 2005
You have new mail.
7. Check and repair an Oracle ACFS file system.
# fsck -a -v -y -F acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 (Solaris)
# fsck -a -v -y -t acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 (Linux)
# fsck -a -v -y -V acfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27 (AIX)
8. Check
$ cd /u09/acfs
$ touch aaa
$ ls -l
total 128
-rw-r--r-- 1 oradb oinstall 0 Dec 6 16:01 aaa
drwx------ 2 root root 65536 Dec 6 15:40 lost+found
9. Изменять размер тома можно так:
/usr/lib/fs/acfs/acfsutil size -100G /u09/acfs
1. Unmount the file system
# mount /u09/acfs
# umount -a -t acfs (Linux Only)
# unmountall -F acfs (Solaris, AIX)
2. De-register the file system
# acfsutil registry -d /u09/acfs
acfsutil registry: successfully removed ACFS mount point /u09/acfs from Oracle Registry
3. Remove the file system
# /usr/lib/fs/acfs/acfsutil rmfs /dev/asm/acfs_v1-27
4. Disable the volume
ASMCMD> voldisable -G acfsdg acfs_v1
5. Delete the volume
ASMCMD> voldelete -G acfsdg acfs_v1
6. Drop the volumne from the diskgroup
SQL> alter diskgroup acfsdg drop volume acfs_v1;
Diskgroup altered.
SQL> select volume_name,volume_device from v$asm_volume;
no rows selected