среда, 30 января 2013 г.

Коллекции данных в Python

Рассмотрим два типа коллекций:

- кортежи  (tuple)
- списки   (list)

Кортежи и списки могут использоваться для хранения произвольного числа элементов данных любых типов.

Кортежи - неизменяемые объекты.
Списки - изменяемые объекты (можно вставлять и удалять элементы списка)

Кортежи создаются с помощью запятых (,)

>>> "green", "red", "yellow", "orange", "blue"
('green', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'blue')
>>> "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer"
('Autumn', 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer')
>>> "Montag",
>>> 1,

При выводе кортежа интерпретатор заключает его в круглые скобки.

(1,)   - кортеж с одним элементом

()     - пустой картеж

Списки можно создавать с помощью квадратных скобок:

>>> ["Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag"]
['Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag', 'Sonntag']
>>> ["green", "red", "yellow", "orange", "blue"]
['green', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'blue']
>>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> []
[]           - пустой список

Списки и кортежи хранят не сами элементы данных, а ссылки на объекты.

При создании списков и кортежей создаются копии указанных ссылок на объекты.

Даже в случае значений-литералов, таких как целые числа и строки,
в памяти создаются и инициализируются объекты соответствующих типов,
затем создаются ссылки, указывающте на эти объекты,
и эти ссылки помещаются в список или картеж.

Можно вкладывать одни объекты-коллекции в другие, например создать список списков.

Рассмотрим функцию len(), которая в качестве аргумента принимает единственный элемент данных
и возвращает его длину в виде значения типа int.

>>> len(("green",))
>>> len([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "red", "yellow", 8])
>>> len("oracle")

Кортежи, списки и строки имеют размер, т.е. это типы данных, которые обладают категорией размера.
Элементы данных таких типов можно передавать функции len().

Все элементы данных в языке Python являются объектами (экземплярами) определенных типов данных (классов).

Тип данных <-----> Класс  - будем считать синонимами.

В некоторых языках существуют элементы данных не являющиеся объектами, так называемые простые элементы.
Одно из основных отличий между объектом и простым элементом состоит в том, что объект может обладать методами.

В сущности метод - это обычная функция, которая вызывается в контексте конкретного объекта.

Например, тип list  имеет метод append(), с помощью которого можно добавить новый объект в список.

>>> z = [1, 2, "red", "yellow", 8]
>>> z.append("green")
>>> z
[1, 2, 'red', 'yellow', 8, 'green']

Объект z знает, что принадлежит к типу list поэтому явно указывать тип данных не нужно.

Первым аргументом методу append() передается сам объект z - делается это интерпретатором Python автоматически,
в порядке реализованной в нем поддержки методов.

Метод append() изменяет первоначальный список.
Это возможно потому что списки относятся к категории изменяемых объектов.

Это более эффективно, чем создание нового списка включающего первоначальные элементы и дополнительный элемент
с последующим связыванием ссылки на объект с новым списком.

В процедурном языке тоже самое могло бы быть достигнуто с использованием метода append()

>>> list.append(z, "orange" )
>>> z
[1, 2, 'red', 'yellow', 8, 'green', 'orange']

Здесь указываются тип данных и метод этого типа данных,
а в качестве первого аргумента передается элемент данных того типа,
метод которого вызывается, за которым следуют дополнительные параметры.

С точки зрения наследования между этими двумя подходами существует малозаметное семантическое отличие.
На практике наиболее часто используется первая форма.

Обычные функции в языке Python вызываются так:


а методы вызываются так:


Тип list имеет множество других методов, включая insert(),
который используется для вставки элемента в позицию с определенным индексом и remove(),
который удаляет элемент с указанным индексом.

Извлечь из строки символ можно так:

>>> s = "solaris"
>>> s[0]
>>> s[5]

Извлечь элемент из списка можно так:

>>> z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "red", "yellow", 8]
>>> z[0]
>>> z[5]

Из кортежей мы можем только извлекать элементы с помощью []

>>> t = ("green", "red", "yellow", "orange", "blue")
>>> t[0]
>>> t[4]

Изменять значения элементов кортежа мы не можем:

>>> t = ("green", "red", "yellow", "orange", "blue")
>>> t[1] = "red"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in
    t[1] = "red"
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

Но для списков мы можем использовать [] еще и для изменения элементов списка:

>>> z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "red", "yellow", 8]
>>> z[1] = "green"
>>> z
[1, 'green', 3, 4, 5, 'red', 'yellow', 8]

Если указать индекс, выходящий за пределы списка, будет возбуждено исключение.

>>> z = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "red", "yellow", 8]
>>> z[8]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in
IndexError: list index out of range

Solaris Recommended Patchset

For Flash compatible systems (full function MOS version):
  1. Login to My Oracle Support (MOS), https://support.oracle.com
  2. Click on the "Patches&Updates" tab
  3. Click on "Product or Family (Advanced Search)
  4. Type "Solaris Operating System" into the product search box
  5. Select the Releases you are interested in - e.g. Solaris 10 Operating System and Solaris 9 Operating System
  6. Select the Platforms you are interested in - e.g. Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) and Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)
  7. Click on the "+" sign next at the end of the "Platforms" line to add additional search criteria
  8. Click of "Select Filter" and select "Type" from the drop-down menu
  9. Select "Patchset"
  10. Click "Search" 

Master Note for Real Application Clusters (RAC) Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Grid Infrastructure [ID 1096952.1]


This Master Note is intended to provide an index and references to the most frequently used My Oracle Support Notes with respect to Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Grid Infrastructure implementations. This Master Note is subdivided into categories to allow for easy access and reference to notes that are applicable to your area of interest, within the RAC, Clusterware and Grid Infrastructure spaces. This includes the following categories:
  • RAC Best Practice and Starter Kit Information
  • Additional Notes on RAC Installation and Frequently asked Questions:
  • RAC and Clusterware Monitoring, Troubleshooting & Data Collection:
    • Tools
    • Troubleshooting and Data Collection
    • My Oracle Support references
  • RAC and Clusterware Testing and Performance Tuning
  • RAC and Clusterware Maintenance and Patching References
    • General Maintenance References
    • Patching Best Practices and References
  • Upgrade and Platform Migration for RAC
  • RAC and Oracle Applications
  • RAC ASM Documentation
  • Maximum Availability Architecture References

Scope and Application

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) is a cluster database with a shared cache architecture that overcomes the limitations of traditional shared-nothing and shared-disk approaches to provide a highly scalable and available database solution for all your business applications. Oracle RAC provides the foundation for enterprise grid computing.

Oracle Clusterware is a portable cluster software that allows clustering of single servers so that they cooperate as a single system. Oracle Clusterware provides the required infrastructure for Oracle Real Application Clusters while also enabling high availability protection of any Oracle or third party application.

Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) provides a virtualization layer between the database and storage. It treats multiple disks as a single disk group, and lets you dynamically add or remove disks while keeping databases online. ASM greatly simplifies the storage complexities often associated with an Oracle database while increasing availability and performance of the database.

With Oracle grid infrastructure 11g release 2 (11.2), Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) and Oracle Clusterware are installed into a single home directory, which is referred to as the Grid Infrastructure home. The installation of the combined products is called Oracle Grid Infrastructure. However, Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Automatic Storage Management remain separate products.

This note applies to the following versions of these products:

Oracle Clusterware - Version to
Oracle Grid Infrastructure Version 11.2.0.x
Oracle Real Application Clusters Version to 11.2.0.x


Master Note for Real Application Clusters (RAC) Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Grid Infrastructure

RAC Best Practice and Starter Kit Information

The goal of the Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) series of Best Practice and Starter Kit notes is to provide the latest information on generic and platform specific best practices for implementing an Oracle cluster using Oracle Clusterware or Oracle Grid Infrastructure (11gR2) and Oracle Real Application Clusters. These documents are compiled and maintained based on Oracle Support's ongoing experience with its global RAC customer base. The process used to install, configure, and create an Oracle Cluster and an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database shares much in common across all supported operating system platforms. Despite these commonalities, many aspects of the deployment process are O/S specific. As such, there is a Generic Starter Kit, as well as a separate Starter Kit for each supported platform. These Starter Kits provide the latest information in terms of installation help, as well as best practices for ongoing/existing implementations.
The Generic Starter Kit has attached documents with sample test plan outlines for system testing and basic load-testing to validate the infrastructure is setup correctly, as well as a sample project plan outline for your RAC implementation. In addition, best practices for Storage and networking and other areas are included. The Platform-specific Starter Kit notes complement this with Step-by-Step Installation Guides, for each particular platform, as well as best practices for the specific platform in question.
RACcheck - RAC Configuration Audit Tool
RACcheck is a RAC Configuration Audit tool designed to audit various important configuration settings within Real Application Clusters (RAC), Oracle Clusterware (CRS), Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and Grid Infrastructure environments. This utility is to be used to validate the Best Pracices and Success Factors defined in the series of Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) Best Practice and Starter Kit notes which are maintained by the RAC Assurance development and support teams. At present RACcheck supports Linux (x86 and x86_64), Solais (SPARC and x86_64), HP-UX (Itanium and PA-RISC with the bash shell) and AIX (with the bash shell) platforms. Those customers running RAC on the RACcheck supported platorms are strongly encouraged to utilize this tool identify potential configuration issues that could impact the stability of the cluster.
Note:  Oracle is constantly generating and maintaining Best Practices and Success Factors from the global customer base.  As a result the RACcheck utility is frequently updated with this information.  That said, it is recommended that you ensure you are using the version of RACcheck prior to execution.

Additional Notes on RAC and Clusterware Installation and Frequently asked Questions

While the Starter Kits referenced above will contain much of what you need to get started, additional notes and resources that are important to take heed of, particularly for a new implementation, can be found here in the following FAQ’s and other references:
Key notes related to OS Installation requirements for a RAC or Oracle Clusterware environment
  • Document 359515.1 Mount Options for Oracle files when used with NAS devices
  • Document 401132.1 How to install Oracle Clusterware with shared storage on block devices 
  • Document 357472.1 Configuring device-mapper for CRS/ASM 
  • Document 169706.1 Oracle Database on AIX,HP-UX,Linux,MacOSX,Solaris,Tru64 Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.1) 
  • Document 1181315.1 Important Considerations for Operating Oracle RAC on T-Series Servers
Key notes introducing differences in Oracle 11gR2

RAC and Clusterware Monitoring, Troubleshooting and Data Collection Notes

To effectively manage your RAC cluster, it is important to know how to monitor, troubleshoot and collect data, both for your own diagnosis, and also to provide supporting information when logging a service request. The following Notes will give you information on how to do both:

Tools for Monitoring RAC and Clusterware Environments

References needed for Troubleshooting and Data Collection

RAC and Clusterware Testing and Performance Tuning

Much of RAC performance tuning is no different from single instance database€ tuning. However, there are some additional areas to check in a RAC environment when tuning or troubleshooting performance related issues. The following notes will make you aware of some of the areas where performance tuning and diagnosis has a specific RAC flavor:

RAC and Clusterware Certification, Maintenance, and Patching References

Maintenance of a RAC environment is similar in many respects to maintaining a single-instance environment. However, with the Clusterware and Grid Infrastructure stacks, there are some additional tasks to be aware of regarding ongoing maintenance, as well as maintenance that may be brought on by changes to your environment. Below are some references speaking to the areas of general maintenance that may be needed or affect RAC environments in a particular way, as well as references to patching, which is a key part of an ongoing maintenance strategy.
Certification References for RAC and Clusterware Environments

General Maintenance References for RAC and Clusterware Environments

Patching Best Practices and References for RAC and Oracle Clusterware
As part of an overall maintenance strategy, it is critical that customers have a formal strategy to stay in front of known issues and bugs. To make it easier for customers to obtain and deploy fixes for known critical issues please refer to the following list of references.

Upgrade and Platform Migration for RAC and Oracle Clusterware

When migrating a RAC cluster to a new platform or upgrading a RAC cluster from an older version of Oracle to the current version of Oracle, the following references will be helpful:

References for running RAC with Applications

RAC and Oracle E-Business

  • Document 362135.1 Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle10g Release 2 Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management.
  • Document 380489.1 Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 
  • Document 727171.1 Implementing Load Balancing On Oracle E-Business Suite - Documentation For Specific Load Balancer Hardware 
  • Document 217368.1 Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i 
  • Document 403347.1 MAA Roadmap for the E-Business Suite 
  • Document 388577.1 Using Oracle 10gR2 RAC and Automatic Storage Management with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12

RAC ASM Documentation

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is an evolution in file system and volume management functionality for Oracle database files. ASM further enhances automation and simplicity in storage management that is critical to the success of the Oracle grid architecture. ASM also improves file system scalability and performance, manageability and database availability for RAC environments. Use of ASM with RAC is an Oracle Best Practice.

MAA/Standby Documentation

Data Guard provides the management, monitoring, and automation software infrastructure to create and maintain one or more standby databases to protect Oracle data from failures, disasters, errors, and data corruptions. As users commit transactions at a primary database, Oracle generates redo records and writes them to a local online log file.

Using My Oracle Support Effectively


NOTE:742060.1 - Release Schedule of Current Database Releases
NOTE:745960.1 - 11g How to Unpack a Package in to ADR
NOTE:747242.5 - My Oracle Support FAQ
NOTE:747457.1 - How to Convert 10g Single-Instance database to 10g RAC using Manual Conversion procedure
NOTE:754594.1 - Potential disk corruption when adding a node to a cluster
NOTE:756671.1 - Oracle Recommended Patches -- Oracle Database
NOTE:759565.1 - Oracle NUMA Usage Recommendation
NOTE:280939.1 - Checklist for Performance Problems with Parallel Execution
NOTE:283684.1 - How to Modify Private Network Information in Oracle Clusterware
NOTE:289690.1 - Data Gathering for Troubleshooting Oracle Clusterware (CRS or GI) And Real Application Cluster (RAC) Issues
NOTE:301137.1 - OSWatcher Black Box User Guide (Includes: [Video])
NOTE:314422.1 - Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) 4 - Getting Started
NOTE:316817.1 - Cluster Verification Utility (CLUVFY) FAQ
NOTE:316900.1 - ALERT: Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.2) Support Status and Alerts
NOTE:330358.1 - CRS 10gR2/ 11gR1/ 11gR2 Diagnostic Collection Guide
NOTE:332257.1 - Using Oracle Clusterware with Vendor Clusterware FAQ
NOTE:337737.1 - Oracle Clusterware - ASM - Database Version Compatibility
NOTE:338706.1 - Oracle Clusterware (CRS or GI) Rolling Upgrades
NOTE:1328466.1 - Cluster Health Monitor (CHM) FAQ
NOTE:1367153.1 - Top 5 Issues That Cause Node Reboots or Evictions or Unexpected Recycle of CRS
NOTE:166650.1 - Working Effectively With Support Best Practices
NOTE:169706.1 - Oracle Database (RDBMS) on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2)
NOTE:181489.1 - Tuning Inter-Instance Performance in RAC and OPS
NOTE:184875.1 - How To Check The Certification Matrix for Real Application Clusters
NOTE:209768.1 - Database, FMW, EM Grid Control, and OCS Software Error Correction Support Policy
NOTE:217368.1 - Advanced Configurations and Topologies for Enterprise Deployments of E-Business Suite 11i
NOTE:219361.1 - Troubleshooting ORA-29740 in a RAC Environment
NOTE:220970.1 - RAC: Frequently Asked Questions
NOTE:265769.1 - Troubleshooting 10g and 11.1 Clusterware Reboots
NOTE:276434.1 - How to Modify Public Network Information including VIP in Oracle Clusterware
NOTE:761111.1 - RDBMS Online Patching Aka Hot Patching
NOTE:454507.1 - ALERT: Oracle 11g Release 1 (11.1) Support Status and Alerts
NOTE:459694.1 - Procwatcher: Script to Monitor and Examine Oracle DB and Clusterware Processes
NOTE:466181.1 - Oracle 10g Upgrade Companion
NOTE:557204.1 - Oracle Clusterware CRSD OCSSD EVMD Log Rotation Policy
NOTE:559365.1 - Using Diagwait as a diagnostic to get more information for diagnosing Oracle Clusterware Node evictions
NOTE:561414.1 - Transactional Sequences in Applications in a RAC environment
NOTE:77483.1 - External Support FTP site: Information Sheet
NOTE:783456.1 - CRS Diagnostic Data Gathering: A Summary of Common tools and their Usage
NOTE:785351.1 - Oracle 11gR2 Upgrade Companion
NOTE:787420.1 - Cluster Interconnect in Oracle 10g and 11gR1 RAC
NOTE:790189.1 - Oracle Clusterware and Application Failover Management
NOTE:810394.1 - RAC and Oracle Clusterware Best Practices and Starter Kit (Platform Independent)
NOTE:810663.1 - 11.1.0.X CRS Bundle Patch Information
NOTE:811151.1 - How to Install Oracle Cluster Health Monitor (former IPD/OS) on Windows
NOTE:811271.1 - RAC and Oracle Clusterware Best Practices and Starter Kit (Windows)
NOTE:811303.1 - RAC and Oracle Clusterware Best Practices and Starter Kit (HP-UX)
NOTE:811306.1 - RAC and Oracle Clusterware Best Practices and Starter Kit (Linux)

NOTE:811280.1 - RAC and Oracle Clusterware Best Practices and Starter Kit (Solaris)
NOTE:850471.1 - Oracle Announces First Patch Set Update For Oracle Database Release 10.2
NOTE:854428.1 - Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products
NOTE:811293.1 - RAC and Oracle Clusterware Best Practices and Starter Kit (AIX)
NOTE:1268927.1 - RACcheck - RAC Configuration Audit Tool
NOTE:563566.1 - Troubleshooting gc block lost and Poor Network Performance in a RAC Environment
NOTE:563905.1 - Implementing LIBUMEM for CRS on Solaris 64
NOTE:601807.1 - Oracle 11gR1 Upgrade Companion
NOTE:726446.1 - What Is The Difference Between RDA and Oracle Configuration Manager?
NOTE:727171.1 - Implementing Load Balancing On Oracle E-Business Suite - Documentation For Specific Load Balancer Hardware

NOTE:736752.1 - Introducing Cluster Health Monitor (IPD/OS)
NOTE:868955.1 - Get Proactive - Oracle Health Checks - Installation, troubleshooting, catalog and more.
NOTE:887522.1 - 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Explained
NOTE:92602.1 - pre-10gR1: How to Password Protect the Listener
NOTE:948456.1 - Pre 11.2 Database Issues in 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure Environment
NOTE:1050693.1 - Troubleshooting 11.2 Clusterware Node Evictions (Reboots)
NOTE:1050908.1 - Troubleshoot Grid Infrastructure Startup Issues
NOTE:1053147.1 - 11gR2 Clusterware and Grid Home - What You Need to Know
NOTE:1065024.1 - Database 11g Release 2 Certification Highlights
NOTE:1082394.1 - Grid Infrastructure PSU Known Issues
NOTE:1101938.1 - Master Note for Data Guard
NOTE:1181315.1 - Important Considerations for Operating Oracle RAC on T-Series Servers
NOTE:1187674.1 - Master Note for Oracle Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server
NOTE:1187723.1 - Master Note for Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
NOTE:403743.1 - VIP Failover Take Long Time After Network Cable Pulled
NOTE:405820.1 - 10.2.0.X CRS Bundle Patch Information
NOTE:422893.1 - 11g Understanding Automatic Diagnostic Repository.
NOTE:428681.1 - OCR / Vote disk Maintenance Operations: (ADD/REMOVE/REPLACE/MOVE)
NOTE:429825.1 - Complete Checklist for Manual Upgrades to 11gR1
NOTE:438314.1 - Critical Patch Update - Introduction to Database n-Apply CPUs
NOTE:443529.1 - Database 11g: Quick Steps to Package and Send Critical Error Diagnostic Information to Support [Video]
NOTE:357472.1 - Configuring device-mapper for CRS/ASM
NOTE:362135.1 - Configuring Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle10g Release 2 Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management
NOTE:363254.1 - Applying one-off Oracle Clusterware patches in a mixed version home environment
NOTE:380489.1 - Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
NOTE:395314.1 - RAC Hangs due to small cache size on SYS.AUDSES$
NOTE:397460.1 - Oracle's Policy for Supporting Oracle RAC with Symantec SFRAC
NOTE:388577.1 - Using Oracle 10g Release 2 Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
NOTE:390374.1 - Oracle Performance Diagnostic Guide (OPDG)
NOTE:401132.1 - How to Install Oracle Clusterware with Shared Storage on Block Devices
NOTE:403347.1 - MAA Roadmap for the E-Business Suite
NOTE:359515.1 - Mount Options for Oracle files when used with NFS on NAS devices
NOTE:361323.1 - HugePages on Linux: What It Is... and What It Is Not...

Master Note For Oracle Database Server Installation [ID 1156586.1]


For the latest Database Certification always refer to My Oracle Support (MOS) Certify.

At the same time the documentation listed below assists in understanding the Oracle Database Certification:
Note 1298096.1 Master Note For Database and Client Certification
Note 161818.1 Oracle Database (RDBMS) Releases Support Status Summary
Note 207303.1 Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions
Note 1307745.1 Oracle Database Support on the Itanium Processor Architecture
Note 464754.1 Certified Software on Oracle VM
Note 1306539.1 Core Oracle Database Certification Information

Installation Guides

Oracle Database documentation, 11g Release 2 (11.2)
Installation manuals and platform-specific books are included in this link.

Oracle Database documentation, 11g Release 1 (11.1)
Installation manuals and platform-specific books are included in this link.

Oracle Database documentation, 10g Release 2 (10.2)
Installation manuals and platform-specific books are included in this link.

Oracle Database documentation, 10g Release 1 (10.1)
Installation manuals and platform-specific books are included in this link.

Oracle9i documentation, Release 2 (9.2)
Installation manuals and platform-specific books are included in this link

Oracle9i documentation, Release 1 (9.0.1)
Installation manuals and platform-specific books are included in this link

OS General Information and Known Issues

Most of the installation and relinking issues appear if you don't satisfy the minimum requirements for the installation. Therefore if you are raising any SR for installation issue it is better to ensure that you have all these requirements mentioned in the below articles before raising the SR.
The documentation listed below help you in understanding the OS Requirements for Oracle Database Installation:


Note 1351051.1 Information Center: Install and Configure Database Server/Client InstallationsNote 1476075.1 FAQ on downloading 9i, 10g, 11g software
Note 169706.1 Oracle Database on Unix AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris,Tru64 Unix Operating Systems Installation and Configuration Requirements Quick Reference (8.0.5 to 11.2)
Note 1360790.1 Roadmap of Oracle Database Patchset Releases
Note 458893.1 Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) FAQ
Note 403212.1 Location Of Logs For OPatch And OUI
Note 454442.1 11g Install : Understanding about Oracle Base, Oracle Home and Oracle Central/Global Inventory locations
Note 1467060.1 Relinking Oracle Home FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions)
Note 131321.1 How to Relink Oracle Database Software on UNIX
Note 883299.1 Oracle 11gR2 Relink New Feature
Note 444595.1 Is It Necessary To Relink Oracle Following OS Upgrade?
Note 556834.1 Steps To Recreate Central Inventory(oraInventory) In RDBMS Homes
Note 750540.1 What are the requirements for an Oracle Home Name in the Inventory?
Note 881063.1 Key RDBMS Install Differences in 11gR2
Note 884232.1 11gR2 Install (Non-RAC): Understanding New Changes With All New 11.2 Installer
Note 948061.1 How to Check and Enable/Disable Oracle Binary Options
Note 429074.1 Can You Run Different Releases Of The Oracle Database On The Same Computer At The Same Time?
Note 389678.1 Are Compilers Necessary for Oracle RDBMS Installation?
Note 401332.1 How To Identify A Server Which Has Itanium2 (Montecito, Montvale, Tukwila....) Processors Installed
Note 400227.1 How To Install Oracle RDBMS Software On Itanium Servers With Montecito Processors
Note 1474891.1 Is It Supported to Change Uid/Gid Of Oracle Database Software Owner After Installation?
Note 1469625.1 Can root.sh Be Run While Standalone Database Instances Are Up And Running?
Note 1475077.1 Can the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk and $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre Directories Be Removed?
Note 1449674.1 Is It Supported to Update /Upgrade the Default JDK/JRE in Oracle Home?
Note 1429678.1 How to interpret OS system traces
Known Issues Generic
Note 468771.1 Installing 11G on Any Platform : File Not Found Errors Running RunInstaller/Setup.exe
Note 883702.1 $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 does not exist in Oracle database 11gR2. Why?
Note 1245784.1 Installing Component using Installer from 11.2 ORACLE_HOME Fails with OUI-10150
Note 1091063.1 sqlplus /nolog is failing with errors : SP2-1503 SP2-0152
Note 1207849.1 Install Error: String Index Out Of Range: -1 Error Messages
Note 1325924.1 INS-32025 while installing 11.2 examples
Note 1367658.1 11.2 OUI does not use the $TEMP variable for CV_DESTLOC during a single instance installation
Note 1307782.1 Oracle 11.2 Installation Fails If OS Users Password Contains '%'
Note 1162824.1 Installing Oracle On AIX Hangs At Prereqs Check
Note 1127135.1[INS-00001] Unknown irrecoverable error installing 11.2
Note 744512.1 Ora-12547: Tns:Lost Contact Creating Database After Clean Installation
Note 763143.1 Explanation and Options To Handle "Checking operating system version: must be ... Failed" OUI errors
Note 1268391.1 Installing 11gR2 Fails With [INS-30060] Check For Group Existence Failed
Note 1301113.1 "Invalid Entry Size" Error During Oracle Database Installation
Note 1471777.1 OUI Screen Not Coming Up Through Xmanager (Exceed)
Note 1475425.1 Oracle Universal Installer - Make issue While Installing 11gR2 Database
Note 1478832.1 Instaling 11.2 fails with error Error in invoking target 'rat_on part_on dm_on olap_on sdo_on' of makefile and echodo: Execute permission denied.
Note 1475482.1 ./runInstaller results in: [FATAL] [INS-32012] Unable to create directory:
Note 1489892.1 OUI Screen Disconnected Before Prompts To Run Scripts As 'Root' User Have Been Responded
Note 1474762.1 WARNING:OUI-67200:Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle ORACLE_HOME="....'ld: fatal: file //lib/prod/lib/v9/crti.o: open failed: Permission denied
Note 1511859.1 OUI:Attachhome fails with the Error "SEVERE: Abnormal program termination. An internal error has occured.  "Please provide the following files to Oracle Support"


Note 1307041.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Solaris SPARC 64
Note 1307389.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Oracle Solaris x86-64
Note 743042.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR1 RDBMS on Solaris 10 SPARC 64-bit
Note 971464.1 FAQ - 11gR2 requires Solaris 10 update 6 or greater
Note 964976.1 Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR2 RDBMS on Solaris 10 SPARC
Note 429191.1 Kernel setup for Solaris 10 using project files
Note 317257.1 Running Oracle Database in Solaris 10 Containers - Best Practices
Known Issues on Solaris
Note 848700.1 11gR1 on Solaris failing at relink phase with errors like "ld fatal relocation error" and then "ld fatal library -lclntsh not found"
Note 966929.1 11gR2 INSTALL ERRORS on Solaris 10
Note 969497.1 During An 11gR2 (11.2) Installation On Solaris, OUI Performs A Prerequisite Check For The Optional Patch 124861-15 And Fails If It Is Not Installed
Note 1325973.1 [INS-30060] Check for group existence failed - While installing 11gR2 on Solaris
Note 1477021.1 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/lib/proc
Note 1471229.1 Installation of Oracle 11gR2 fails while checking for runlevel
Note 1477327.1 ROOT.SH Errors with mkdir: "/usr/local/bin": Read-only file system Solaris Container
Note 1446945.1 ld: warning: symbol `_start' has differing types: While Installing Or Patching 11gR2 On Oracle Solaris Platform


ORACLE Validated Configurations
Note 1307056.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Linux x86
Note 1304727.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Linux x86-64
Note 851598.1 Master Note of Linux OS Requirements for Database Server
Note 376183.1 Defining a "default RPMs" installation of the RHEL OS
Note 386391.1 Defining a "default RPMs" installation of the SLES OS
Note 401167.1 Defining a "default RPMs" installation of the Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) OS
Note 728346.1 Linux OS Installation with Reduced Set of Packages for Running Oracle Database Server
Note 1508516.1 Is It Mandatory To Install UEK Kernel Under RHEL?
Note 266043.1 Support of Linux and Oracle Products on Linux
Note 787705.1 How to identify correct Oracle Database software to install on Linux platform
Note 1075717.1 Installing 32-bit RDBMS Client software on x86_64 Linux.
Note 1315914.1 Install 11gr2 On Sles11 - Packages Required Not Mentioned In Installation Guide
Note 1350000.1 Database Client or Database Server Install on Red Hat 6 (RHEL6)
Note 444084.1 Multiple gcc / g++ Versions in Linux
Note 567506.1 Maximum SHMMAX values for Linux x86 and x86-64
Note 761261.1 Recommended metalink articles for Oracle Database 10gR2 installation on zLinux (s390x)
Note 415182.1 DB Install Requirements Quick Reference - zSeries based Linux
Note 341507.1 Oracle Database Server on Linux on IBM POWER
Note 786995.1 Troubleshooting The Relink Errors When Missing RPMs on Linux x86-64
Note 377217.1 What should the value of LD_ASSUME_KERNEL be set to for Linux?
Known Issues On Linux
Note 308788.1 While Installing Oracle Database on SUSE SLESx x86-64 Linking Errors Occur and NetCA/DBCA Fail With Error: UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: njni10
Note 317627.1 Error in invoking target 'agent emsubagent nmo nmb' of makefile '$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/lib/ins_sysman.mk'
Note 362285.1 Error in Invoking Target 'Install' of Makefile $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib/ins_ctx.mk
Note 468977.1 UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: njni11
Note 1063952.1 11gR2 Database Server install fails with [INS-13001] Environment does not meet minimum requirements
Note 1220843.1 Getting __stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4 makefile errors during Oracle 11.2 Install on Linux
Note 1313504.1 Error in invoking 'ntcontab.o' of makefile while installaing 11gr2 client on Linux x86-64 bit server
Note 1073332.1 /usr/bin/ld: Cannot Find -lxml11, Genclntsh: Failed To Link libclntsh.so.11.1
Note 460969.1 /usr/bin/ld: Cannot Find -lxml10, Genclntsh: Failed To Link Libclntsh.so.10.1
Note 443617.1 "Exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ../jre/1.4.2/lib/i386/libawt.so: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory occurred" on RHEL5/OEL5 for 10.2 x86 or x86_64 install
Note 301830.1 Upon startup of Linux database get ORA-27102: out of memory Linux-X86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device
Note 454196.1 ./sqlplus: error on libnnz11.so: cannot restore segment prot after reloc
Note 1454982.1 Installing 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) on RHEL6 Reports That Packages "elfutils-libelf-devel-0.97" and "pdksh-5.2.14" are missing (PRVF-7532)


Note 1307544.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on IBM AIX on Power systems
Note 282036.1 Minimum Software Versions and Patches Required to Support Oracle Products on IBM Power Systems
Note 889464.1 Is Oracle 10g And 11g Database Compatible With AIX Version 6.1
Note 417451.1 How To Determine Whether an APAR has been Fixed in AIX Version/Maintenance Level
Note 739963.1 Using AIX commands genld, genkld and slibclean to avoid library file locking errors(libjox)
Note 458403.1 Why AIXTHREAD_SCOPE should be set to 'S' on AIX
Note 201622.1 Is It Still NecessaryTto Run the Rootpre.sh Script When Installing Oracle on AIX 5L and above?
Known Issues On AIX
Note 832074.1 AIX 6.1 "Dependent module /usr/lib/libXpm.a(shr_64.o) could not be loaded" Error Attempting To Execute 11.1.0 runInstaller
Note 879102.1 Stand Alone Silent Installation on AIX 5.3 Fails On Prerequisite Check For rsct.basic.rte(0.0) and rsct.compat.clients.rte(0.0)
Note 1439940.1 11gR2 OUI On AIX Pre-Requisite Check Gives Error "Patch IZ97457, IZ89165 Are Missing"
Note 980602.1 The Installer (OUI) Detects Processes Running on ORACLE_HOME on AIX 6.1 TL04 SP1
Note 1327608.1 INS-13001 Environment does not meet minimum requirements when installing on AIX 7.1
Note 859842.1 Database Server Installation on AIX 6.1 Error: OUI-18001: 'AIX Version 6100.01' is not supported
Note 1364239.1 runInstaller Failed With "OUI: 0403-006 Execute permission denied" While Installing 11.2.0.x On AIX
Note 1506934.1 Oracle 11gR2 Install : Executing rootpre.sh fails with the error cldomain: file not found


Note 1307026.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on HP-UX PA-RISC Platform
Note 1307745.1 Oracle Database Support on the Itanium Processor Architecture
Known Issues on HP
Note 725913.1 Error OUI-15038 At Pre-Requisite Check Stage During Oracle 11g Install
Note 1183545.1 OUI and OUI raise OUI-15038 "Unable to execute rule 'CheckCompatibility' .. [For input string: "11_11"]
Note 471476.1 32 Bit Libraries Are Not Installed With Oracle11g ( On HP-UX Itanium
Note 287428.1 Oracle Universal Installer has detected that there are processes running in the currently selected
Note 819394.1 HP-UX: Sqlplus: ORA-12549: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded
Note 1194973.1 Failure On Prerequisite Checks For 11gR2 Installation on HP-UX
Note 552358.1 Installation Of Oracle 10.2 Client Fails On HPUX Itanium Servers With Montecito Processors


Note 1307189.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Microsoft Windows x86 (32-bit)
Note 1307195.1 Certification Information for Oracle Database on Microsoft Windows
Note 952302.1 Is Microsoft Windows 7 certified to install/run Oracle Database Server/Client ?
Note 443813.1 Check List For Oracle On Windows.
Note 137200.1 Checklist when Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) fails for Windows
Note 436299.1 Common reasons for OUI failures on the MS Windows platforms
Note 161549.1 Oracle Database Server and Networking Patches for Microsoft Platforms
Note 816893.1 How to Recreate the Windows Registry for Oracle, After reloading the Windows OS
Note 432713.1 How To Create a Service using oradim in Windows Vista
Note 1449665.1 How To Disable/Enable A Specific Component From A Database Home On Windows Platforms
Note 870253.1 32-bit Client Install on 64-bit Windows Platform
Note 1151394.1 Running 32-bit and 64-bit Oracle Software On 64-bit Windows
Note 208256.1 WIN: How to Remove a Single ORACLE_HOME and Its Traces on Microsoft Windows Platforms
Note 124353.1 Manually Removing all Oracle Components on Microsoft Windows Platforms
Note 1069034.1 11.2: How to Manually Remove Oracle Server Software on Microsoft Windows Platforms
Note 1433144.1 What Is The Windows Service "Oracleremexecservice" ?
Known Issues on Windows
Note 1292921.1 While Installing 11.2, OUI Fails With "Error in starting the service. The service OracleMTSRecoveryService was not found"
Note 221545.1 Oracle Installation Issues in Windows Platforms
Note 418479.1 file in use Errors, when applying patches on Windows
Note 271569.1 Database creation using DBCA on WIN 2003 PDC fails with DIM-19
Note 334528.1 ORA-12154 or ORA-6413 Running 32-bit Oracle Software on 64-bit
Note 1133495.1 Installation of 11gR2 on Windows Fails Checking Requirements
Note 1088324.1 11gR2 Deinstall fails on Windows 7
Note 1468882.1 Oracle Universal Installer Hangs While Installing Oracle 11g Client/Database On Windows
Note 958591.1 Oracle Install Crashed With Java Error in Windows Environment


Note.189256.1 UNIX Script to Verify Installation Requirements for Oracle 8.0.5 to 9.2 versions of RDBMS
Note 250262.1 RDA 4 - Health Check / Validation Engine Guide (Doc ID 250262.1)

Silent Install

Note 136660.1 Working Response files for a silent install of Oracle Server on MS-Windows- Part 1 of 3
Note 136661.1 Database Configuration Response file for performing silent install - Part 2 of 3
Note 136662.1 Network Configuration Reponse file for performing silent install - Part 3 of 3
Note 388451.1 How to create a Response File for Silent Installation?
Note 434315.1 How Can You Install Oracle Without Using The Oracle Universal Installer( runInstaller) GUI and Xserver especially When Doing A Remote Installation ?
Note 405124.1 How to Prevent a Silent Install from Prompting for User Input to Run the 'root.sh' Script
Note 808275.1 How to install Oracle Database Patchset software in Silent mode without using response file
Note 782919.1 How to install Oracle Database Server software silently with customized listener configuration
Note 885643.1 How to install 11gR2 Database/Client Software in Silent mode without using response file
Note 782918.1 How to install/deinstall Oracle Database Server software silently without response file
Note 782923.1 How to install/deinstall Oracle Database Client software silently without response file
Note 435680.1 Response File Installation of Database Server 10.2 (Suppressed or Silent mode)

Deinstall/Removing Installations

General Information
Note 208116.1 How to remove all traces of ORACLE_HOME on UNIX
Note 275493.1 Removing 10g Database and Software from AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Sun and Tru64 Platforms
Note 1363753.1 Behaviour of the Oracle De-install/Deinstall/Uninstall Utility in 11gR2
Note 886749.1 Oracle 11gR2 Deinstall And Deconfig Tool Options
Note 883743.1 How To Deinstall/Uninstall Oracle Home In 11gR2
Note 1070610.1 How To De-install Oracle Home Using runinstaller
Note 435219.1 How To Clean Up The Inventory After Deleting The Oracle Home Manualy Using OS Commands("rm-rf " or other)?
Note 888934.1 Is it possible to deinstall/remove a specific component from already installed Oracle Database Home using OUI?
Note 1271072.1 Is it possible to deinstall/disable a specific licensable option from already installed Oracle Database 11gR2 Home ?
Known Problems
Note 885609.1 11gR2 OUI warning: Please run the command '/deinstall/deinstall' to deinstall this OracleHome
Note 1069028.1 Deinstall utility on 11.2 removes multiple ORACLE_HOMEs
Note 1271661.1 Deinstall 11.2 32-bit Home Inadvertanly Removes 64-bit Homes and Vice Versa
Note 1322509.1 11.2 Database Corrupted After Use of $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall/deinstall Script
Note 753929.1 Errors During Silent Deinstallation
Note 1128464.1 Uninstall Of Oracle 11gR2 Home On Windows Does Not Recognize Non-English Response
Note 1374044.1 When deinstalling 11gR1 ,OUI greyed out the Remove button and getting message - You cannot deinstall at this time.

Diagnostic Tools

Note 780551.1 How To Diagnose Linking Errors During Base Install of Oracle RDBMS
Note 757964.1 Oracle Universal Installer ( OUI ) Error Messages and Solution Reference List
Note 1812.1 TECH: Getting a Stack Trace from a CORE file

General Information

Note.738771.1 How to Log Good Service Request for Relink issues?
Note.736819.1 How to Log Good Service Request for Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) issues?

Using My Oracle Support Effectively

Note 868955.1 My Oracle Support Health Checks Catalog
Note 166650.1 Working Effectively With Global Customer Support
Note 199389.1 Escalating Service Requests with Oracle Support Services

Generic Links

Note 1351051.1 Information Center: Install and Configure Database Server/Client Installations
Note 1194734.1 Where do I find that on My Oracle Support (MOS) [Video]
Note 742060.1 Release Schedule of Current Database Releases
Note 1476075.1 FAQ: Downloading 9i, 10g, and 11g database software media
Note 549617.1 How To Verify The Integrity Of A Patch/Software Download? [Video]
Note 268895.1 Oracle Database Server Patchset Information, Versions: 8.1. 7 to 11.2.0
Note 783141.1 Reference List of Critical Patch Update Availability(CPU) and Patch Set Update (PSU) Documents For Oracle Database and Fusion Middleware Product
Note 1119703.1 Database PSU-CPU Cross-Reference List
Note 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products
Note 1061295.1 Patch Set Updates - One-off Patch Conflict Resolution
Information on Security Patch Updates (SPU's)

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NOTE:1157464.1 - Master Note on Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) for installing Oracle Database Software
NOTE:1351051.2 - Information Center: Install and Configure Database Server/Client Installations
NOTE:1157463.1 - Master Note For Oracle Database Client Installation